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What is the anti-theft performance of resin manhole cover


Manhole cover to a large extent reduce the intensity of labor, generally speaking, the round manhole cover is not easy to tilt, but also can well protect the safety of pedestrians and passing vehicles, in the use of the process, we will also pay attention to the anti-theft performance of the product. Now, let's take a look.

1, material anti-theft. Most of the manhole covers used today are resin composite materials, which are involved in ductile materials and have no recycling value.

2, mechanical anti-theft. For the resin manhole cover, whether there is an anti-theft lock, it will increase the anti-theft performance of the product, if you add an anti-theft lock, you can only open it with a tool, and the anti-theft performance is strengthened.

3, its own anti-theft performance. The resin manhole cover itself can be added with a metal bracelet to connect the well ring and the manhole cover from the inside, which can play a protective role after installation, and the manhole cover cannot be opened without tools.